Jesus is Alive and Well!

The purpose of our booklet is to have a revival of all Bible-teaching churches. The author of the Repent booklet has been my mentor for four decades. His name is Rev Johnson. We, the Spirit of Truth that lives in me and I the new creation, furnish the cover and personal testimony. As a three month old Christian I began teaching Sunday School classes for youth. I priviledged to teach for 15 years. I also held Bible study classes for adults, evangelized the congregation and made door-to-door house calls with much success.

One night I had a dream. I was standing at the foot of the cross. Jesus was still on the cross, as I looked into his eyes I could see the tremendous pain, after a little while I saw his love and the love far overshadowed the pain. He spoke to my heart saying, "I do this for you." As I turned to walk away, he spoke to my heart again saying, "Tell someone about me." The booklet is my attempt to obey his command.

Rev Johnson and I also hosted witness workshops to other churches in our district. Good things happened and we were invited to share our message to a district meeting of pastors. At the meeting, Rev Johnson asked me to speak to the pastors at the meeting sharing my witness. I told a story of where I was sitting on the ground with my hands resting on my raised knees. Up to my right I saw Jesus about 10 feet away sitting in the same position I was in (he was real close). At that instance, I felt him pressing against my body. When I finished speaking I noticed all the pastors had blank looks on their faces. They were sitting around the table in silence staring at me. Finally Rev Johnson said, "I told you he would steal your thunder."

I left the meeting and sat in our car. On the way home, my partner Rev Johnson, asked, "Do you want to know what happened after you left the meeting??" One of the pastors had brought his resignation to the meeting but after hearing your witness he said he would take it back and continue working with his congregation. The president of the district had asked me to pray for his granddaughter Megan. Rev Johnson and I had successes like this wherever we went with our witness workshop. We pray that you will repent and seek Jesus for forgiveness for disobedience for neglecting to follow his commands and allow Jesus to be Lord of your life.

Jesus, in my dream, commanded me to tell someone about him. The free booklet is my latest attempt to do just that. You can download a free booklet and print it to make as many copies as you need.

While still a young Christian, Pastor Kruger, the one who led me to believe took me aside one day and said, "Someday Clyde you are going to do something great." I believe a revival is doing just that.

I am an 83 year old forgiven, repented sinner! Under my watch, four of my students were in college studying to be pastors or directors of Christian education. One of them was my daughter Tonya.

In younger years, as I was enjoying my hobby - building an airplane from scratch - I wore out a set of New Testament tapes while listening to God's word. Oh how I love Jesus!

I wrote this poem:

My heart is filled with love for you, Jesus, and you alone. This is something that must be shown. Please take my heart and keep it. It's all I have to give as we will remain together as long as we both shall live.

Please use the Repent booklet to evangelize your congregation and then send your evangelists out into the community. A revival is underway!  Download the Repent booklet from the Products link and share the good news booklets of the great commission. Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, until the end of the age."

Pastors - please share the good news to all churches that teach the Bible using this booklet.